
import com.kotcrab.Brain;

VisUI 1.3.0 Released, VisEditor Deprecated

VisUI 1.3.0 for latest libGDX 1.9.6 was released. Changes.

Version: 1.3.0 (LibGDX 1.9.6)

  • Added: VisUI#dispose (boolean disposeSkin)
  • Updated to libGDX 1.9.6
  • Excluded AsyncTask API from GWT compilation

I also have an announcement to make: I’ll be no longer maintaining VisEditor and VisRuntime projects. While it was my biggest project and one that was quite successful, it’s never reached the popularity I hoped for and was always surpassed by VisUI. It’s kind of funny considering that VisUI was indented to be internal part of VisEditor. I’d also like to move on to other projects. I feel like I’ve been stuck in the Vis world for too long.

I have to say thanks to everyone who contributed to it, whether it was issue reporting or creating pull requests and I’m sorry to everyone who hoped for more features. To make it clear this deprecation only applies to VisEditor, I’m still going to maintain VisUI project. However, VisUI has reached maturity some time ago and not much needs to be done to maintain it. I’m thinking about moving VisEditor sources to separate repository and renaming main repo to vis-ui. Still not sure, probably not worth it.
